
Crowd Blockchain


In recent years, society has been changing at an unprecedented pace. Technological advancements in digitization and new technologies such as cloud computing, quantum computing, artificial intelligence, blockchain, Web3, virtual reality, and the metaverse are shaping a new world rich with new opportunities and business models that are disrupting the traditional centralized economy and financial services industry.

These new technologies have the potential to replace the centralized financial institutions that act as intermediaries for all our economic transactions. Not only that, they offer a system that is fair, democratized, and that applies the same, or even a greater, level of integrity currently provided by mainstream financial corporation.

The banking sector, however, has resisted change. Their transactional processes are too slow, excessively costly, bound to too many unnecessary human intermediaries, and apply overly complex bureaucratic mechanisms and outdated legacy operating systems. Furthermore, macroeconomic uncertainty is adding to inflationary pressure on the markets. Consequently, the interest rates offered by the established centralized institutions are too low to maintain the value of assets, resulting in the real value of assets decreasing due to high inflation.

This leaves a vast pool of millions of users and affiliate partners looking for a better and more modern way to generate passive, rewarding digital assets and, at the same time, support the development of the future of Web3 infrastructure.

These digital community members seek Decentralized Finance (DeFi) solutions that they can trust and easily understand. Furthermore, they want to receive an APR reward much higher and more consistent than offered by leaving their funds in traditional centralized banking solutions.

Moreover, these users are looking for complete control of their digital assets and the possibility of participating in a digital economic system with secure but practical solution and less risk of data leakage.

To solve this issue, blockchain technology and DeFi offer superior asset preservation systems, thanks to the help of new technologies, automated market makers, and algorithmic asset management instruments that can provide economic sustainability.

Crowd Blockchain fills this gap and solves these technical and economic problems by incrementally adding DeFi services within a supporting ecosystem that uses digital currencies. Crowd blockchain's solution will be effective, easy to understand, and capable of delivering the expectations of passive gain generation of a wide and ever-growing pool of digital assets holders while mitigating risks.

No matter their economic background and technological understanding, everyone will be able to participate in the future of the digital asset market. CBC’s innovation stems from leveraging the technology of the most scalable, secure, efficient, and developer-friendly blockchains and crypto projects with the implementation of a unique crowdfunding solution.